Group Counseling

Group Counseling
Photo by Hannah Busing / Unsplash

Discover problematic relational styles or work towards growth on a specific issue with others who can relate

Interested in joining a dynamic group of people who are pursuing their own growth? There are two different types of group counseling that we offer at Deep Waters Counseling: content oriented and process oriented.

Content oriented groups are probably the more mainstream type of group therapy. Content groups focus around a certain topic, like anger management or abuse recovery. They usually have a more structured setup, with a time limited approach and involve homework outside of group work. For example, an anger management group would focus on teaching, discussion and homework relating to thoughts and behaviors related to a person's anger, as well as practical skills to express anger in more healthy ways.

Process oriented group counseling is a little different. Instead of focusing on a specific topic, the focus is on here and now interactions between group members, with the intention of better understanding relationship tendencies. One of the goals of process oriented groups is to learn new, more adaptive ways of relating to others by practicing them first in the group. Once this feels more comfortable and rewarding, the idea is to then bring these new ways of relating outside of the group into personal relationships. For example, if a group member begins to share about their annoyance or frustration with another member, they learn to clarify their needs in that relationship and then can try to communicate those needs to significant others in their life.

Groups operate on a rolling basis, so know that when you call to inquire, there may be a wait time as we gather enough members to begin. In the past, we've offered process oriented groups, anger groups for women, and Enneagram growth groups.

Groups Currently being offered:

Behind the Avatar: Creating Real Life Connections

Are you a young adult and struggling to find solid community outside of your family and your career? Research is showing that the proverbial "third place" for young adults is becoming increasingly digital, which can be both a positive experience and also create unique challenges for engaging in close, authentic relationships. Consider joining our group for Gen Z adults to learn more about how to be your true self in a safe supportive relational environment. We'll also offer some practical coping skills and techniques for social anxiety and stress management.

When: Thursday evenings at 6:30pm

Starts: June 13th, runs for 6-8 weeks

Contact our Office at (636)346-8248